What are the risks of gaining too much / too little weight during pregnancy?

A large study published in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) on 8th June 2017 looked at weight gain during pregnancy in 1.3 million pregnancies. The study found that 47% of pregnancies had weight gain greater than the Institute of Medicine (IOM US) recommendations, and 23% had weight gain less than the recommendations. Pregnant mothers who had weight gain below recommendations had higher risk of smaller babies and preterm births. On the other hand, pregnant mothers who had weight gain above recommendations had larger babies and caesarean deliveries.
Therefore, for pregnant mummies, it is important that you maintain a healthy lifestyle through a well-balanced diet and exercise, before, during and after their pregnancy to reduce complications. There is no need to “eat for two” during pregnancy. Having a normal weight will help you to increase the chances of conceiving naturally and lower the risks of complications for you and your baby.
Recommended weight gain from IOM US on weight gain in singleton pregnancies:

Recommended weight gain from IOM US on weight gain in twin pregnancies: